Our Products - What We Grow

Heirloom Tomatoes

Our love of growing plants from seed can be tracked back to our slight addiction to heirloom tomatoes.  After our first season growing them in our home garden, the whole family was hooked.  Locally grown, heirloom tomatoes are far superior to the bland hybridized tomatoes you may find in the grocery store year-round, which are bred for shelf life, not flavor.  Heirloom tomatoes are more interesting in size and color and the flavor is outstanding!  You’ve never tasted a real tomato if you haven’t tried a field grown heirloom tomato.  Each year we try new varieties and our lists of favorites just keeps growing. 



We love herbs!  Not only do they smell amazing, but they are multi-functional.  Many of the herbs we grow are used in our mixed bouquets to add fragrance and greenery, but they can also be used in cooking and many have medicinal uses.  A few of our favorites are basil, calendula, lemon balm, mint and sage.



Why do we grow flowers? Almost 80% of fresh flowers sold in the US are not grown in North America and shipping flowers from other countries incurs huge transportation, energy and storage costs, leaving an enormous carbon footprint.  Additionally, locally grown flowers don’t lose their natural fragrance during shipping and can be cut in the morning and in a bouquet that evening, making them truly fresh.  And of course, the production and sale of locally grown flowers contribute to a community’s economy.  We are proud members of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, Slow Flowers and the Floret Farmer Florist Collective, which you can visit for more information on why locally grown flowers are so important, for the pollinators, the humans and the community.

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